made in 1976, born in 1977: Monika Żyła-Kwiatkowska-co-owner. She graduated from the department of industrial design on the Warsaw's Academy of Art - diploma in the studio of graphical design 2003/2004. Among her interests is graphics, as well as designing the spatious forms but lately she has been acting on the field of advertising. Her device is 'less is more' which means rejecting unnecessary details and aspiring to the purity of the form. We want our activity, both on the field of architectural and commercial design to cause quality changes in the Polish applied graphics. We have experience in graphical and spatial design. Luxsfera specialises itself in designing dummy of the magazines: comprehensive study of the shape and character of given publication, from vignette to the most detailed detail. We also create the visual identification of brands and events. We design the web sites. We arrange the interiors. Designing spatial form is not inferior for us. We have carried out projects for, above all, Bonnier Business Polska, Multico Books, Press, Zachęta Gallery, National Museum in Warsaw, Marquard Media Polska, Valkea Media, Murator publishing house, Pepsico, PKN Orlen, Polfa Kutno, Totalizator Sportowy, TVP, Warsaw Electronic Festival, Kino Foundation, Raster Gallery and many more. |